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Deep Roots of the Deep State
Wednesday, August 21, 2019 by Paul Baumgartner
On August 5 at 1:48 p.m., a text from Move On Dot Org was broadcast to millions of people. It said, “White supremacist violence is emboldened by Trump and enabled by GOP. El Paso is just the latest.” Patrick Crusius allegedly killed 22 people and injured another 24 people at a Walmart the day before in El Paso, Texas. The information on this had been unfolding since August 3 on ABC, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and Fox. Up to this time there had only been reports of the physical facts of the case. It wasn’t until after the Move On Dot Org message that individuals in the press and political sphere started linking this case to Donald Trump. Beto O'Rourke, slammed the media for what he saw as a failure to "connect the dots" between President Donald Trump's rhetoric and the El Paso, Texas, mass shooting. Other political opponents of Trump including Corey Booker and Adam Schiff also linked this shooting to Trump.
It cascaded from there. There were more news stories about 2020 Democratic contenders for the Presidential race, not just condemning Trump for his rhetoric, but outright calling him a “white supremacist.” Then more of the 2020 candidates chimed in. Elizabeth Warren said, “The president has embraced white nationalists. He has encouraged white nationalists.” Kamala Harris said, “We have a president of the United States who has embraced white nationalism.” Bernie Sanders said, “It gives me no pleasure to say this, but I think all of the evidence out there suggests that we have a president who is a racist, who is a xenophobe, who appeals and is trying to appeal to white nationalism.” These statements aired on ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, and CNN. They are the front page articles on their websites and also on newspapers like the Washington Post, New York Times, and Huffington Post. Associated Press tried to link a creed found online to Crusius, then use that try and link the racism in that creed to Trump, even though the creed itself denied being influenced by Trump and there was nothing to link this document to Crusius.
Here is the proof of how much Trump is a white supremacist. Oh wait! That is a video of Trump condemning white supremacy just after the El Paso shooting. Trump was criticized for promoting violence at his rallies referring to some things said jokingly, but here he is condemning all violence at his rallies, most of which was instigated by Trump opponents. After the Charlottesville violence, the Mainstream Media tried to say that Trump was a racist, but here he is condemning the Charlottesville attack and racism. Yet, the Mainstream Media will keep denying that Trump ever condemned racism or white supremacy.
There’s a pattern of Mainstream Media outlets outright lying about facts, about what they said themselves, and eagerly promoting lies. Recently, Andrea Mitchell falsely claimed that the Trump campaign edited Biden’s “poor kids,” “white kids” remark. Most notably, how can we forget Mika Brzeznski’s remark that controlling what people think is their job. Sadly, Mika tweeted about this and tried to claim that she said that it is their job to keep the President from making up his own facts. However, after further review, she was talking about controlling what people think, not about getting facts to the people. If she had said that she meant to say that it was about the facts, that would be an acceptable come back, but since she said she was not talking about what people think at all it shows her come back was also an attempt to control what people think.
The big lie is something that Communists and Fascists repeatedly promoted as a necessary evil to gain power. This philosophy has totalitarian roots, and is the same type of thing that Americans rebelled against in the American Revolution. Hitler used big lies to take power, and then he continued to use big lies to control and oppress people. Do you really think that you can trust people that use lies to get power to all of a sudden stop lying and stop oppressing truth and freedom of speech? For two and a half years, we’ve been listening to the Mainstream media constantly air Adam Schiff saying there was absolute definite proof that Trump conspired with Russians to usurp the 2016 election. The Mueller Report came out and it turns out that was all a big lie. The Mainstream media keeps airing Obama saying that the tax cuts benefit the rich more, but in fact, the top 1 percent are now paying more in taxes. They air clips of Obama saying that the recovery started with him and the current recovery is a continuation of that recovery while ignoring the fact that the stock market was flat from 2014 to 2016. Don’t forget that the Mainstream Media backed everything that Obama said about the Affordable Care Act. Now people that paid $500 for health insurance are now paying $2,000 for a policy that must meet the deductibles before the plan pays anything. This makes people in the middle class unable to even go for a doctor’s visit because of the high premiums that they are paying. Thirty million people that didn’t have health insurance now have it, but now eighty million people can’t afford to use the health insurance they are paying for. The Mainstream Media keeps saying that “walls don’t work,” but Israel has proven they do and we also paid for a wall to be built in Iraq to keep terrorists out of that country. Some networks are worse than others. It is not hard to find lies being perpetrated on CNN. In fact, here is a list of 20 of their most famous lies. It is no wonder that CNN has dropped 32% in prime time viewership since the same time last year.
A colleague that works at a news agency was given a book to read, and responded, “I hope there is some truth in this because I’m not finding any around here.” Shortly thereafter, he went to work for Fox News. Another colleague complained about a daily list that was circulated to all the local news stations from one of the international press agencies that told what news items to air, what to say, and how to say it. Shortly thereafter, he went to work for Fox News also. News agencies that follow that list may experience a one to two day delay in airing some stories because they are waiting to get the story rewritten with the spin that they are supposed to put on it. News stations that are getting you the news as it happens and not putting spin on it are the ones to watch. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have opinion shows. They just have the reasonable dedication to separate reporting from opinion. It is no secret that local news stations are saying the same thing verbatim. This happens because of three basic reasons. First, the owners of news networks and news stations are limited. Most news stations are owned by six entities. Secondly, there are only a few international news networks such as AP and UPI. This makes for only a few points of contact with which to control. Thirdly, the CIA seems to have some control over these news agencies. Operation Mockingbird is a CIA program allegedly started in the early 1950’s to get control of the media for propaganda purposes. This is actually an easy sell for the CIA. They can easily get the news agencies to give them the information they are finding already and the CIA pays them for it. The relationship starts there. Then when needed, the CIA approaches them for a favor. The favor is justified by apparently reasonable mandates. At a 2012 conference held by In-Q-Tel CIA Director David Patraeus declared that the rapidly-developing “internet of things” and “smart home” will provide the CIA with the ability to spy on any US citizen should they become a “person of interest to the spy community,” Now, the Mainstream Media tends to be extremely liberal. Recently, they have taken their liberal tendencies to such extremes that all they can do is find ways to bash Trump. Even some die hard liberals are noticing this and getting fed up. “If you notice if you watch these cable news networks there are no news. It's all Trump. There are no news," Larry King said. In fact, the Mainstream media has become so obsessed with Trump, that they have become their own worst enemy according to Mark Levin in his book, “Unfreedom of the Press.” This book is an excellent documentary and highly recommended.
In 2011, Jim Edwards of CBS documented how that social media was being used as a tool of the CIA. In more recent news, a whistle-blower has revealed how that Google is using algorithms in its search engine to sway public opinion and affect elections. Just try this: enter the words trump white supremacy in a google search, then enter those words in search engine. You will see a vast difference in the top articles found.
The inroads of government into the ideas of spying on citizens gets personal too. It is no longer just for the sake of finding information about “a person of interest.” Vance Packard documented in 1964, in his book, “Naked Society,” how that businesses as well as government agencies were taking advantage of not just technology for peeping on people, but also the background check agreement that people sign when applying for a new job. Currently, there are laws concerning employment background checks, mostly concerning discrimination and how many years prior the prospective employer can check. There are no laws restricting the check or investigation from continuing after employment, or restricting the investigation from being done by and for other entities. Neither are there any restrictions on the purpose or goal of such investigations. Entities have been taking advantage of these laws for at least 60 years. Expect them to be executed skillfully. I highly recommend reading “Naked Society,” by Vance Packard.
The Deep State is even more personal than you can imagine. In his book, “Angels’ Eyes,” William Brian Worthy picks up where Vance Packard left off. Mr. Worthy documented several more roots of the Deep State and relayed them to you through this book. Instead of laying it out documentary style, Mr. Worthy put his information in a story format. As you read this story, you will identify with Brian, the main character, and then feel and realize what the Deep State is doing with peoples’ personal lives. Mr. Worthy found that the Deep State, doesn’t go back just 60 years with the advent of background check abuse, nor did it start 80 years ago with the advent of FBI intrusion, nor did it start 100 years ago with the philosophy that government agencies are better at running things than elected officials. It started at least 150 years ago with the philosophy that government agencies are better at running your personal life than you! Mr. Worthy found a book copyrighted in 1880 that showed inception being used on unsuspecting individuals in the United States and discussing the effectiveness of the procedure. Mr. Worthy also described a recent interaction where one individual described how that Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter, killed himself when an officer yelled some code word, then commented, “That is something they plant when they program you.” The story goes on to show how that “The Program” promises things to the main character, but that their real purpose is to control every facet of his life. Give “Angels’ Eyes” by William Brian Worthy a read. It is very highly recommended.
In 1952, Paul Harvey said, "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything you have." Just as Vance Packard assessed in his book, “Naked Society,” that businesses and government agencies see people as commodities, so too in this day they see things that way to an even greater degree. Promises of free college and free healthcare and a monthly stipend may sound enticing. Subscribing to the text messages from Move On Dot Org and the media that is promoting these things may seem like a reasonable way to meet the needs of all individuals. Did you ever hear of the saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it is not true?” The Deep Roots of the Deep State will strangle your life. Imagine a world without choice, love, self-determination, or creativity. That is the world of the Deep State. The Deep Roots of the Deep State will take you there. So, if you find yourself following the instructions on the Move On Dot Org text message and agreeing with the rhetoric of the Mainstream Media, my advice is this: LEAVE THE MATRIX NOW!