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A Hillary Presidency Would Deliver A Low Blow To Women’s Causes

Copyright 2016 by Paul Baumgartner
Hillary’s campaign rhetoric has gone a long way to proclaim women’s causes. She has said many times that she wants equal pay for equal work for women. During her acceptance speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, she said that if she is “playing the ‘woman card,’ then deal me in!”
However, the actions that Hillary Clinton has done over the years have diminished women’s causes and threatens to damage them much more. In 1996, she made several alliances with Islamic States and Islamic entities like the Muslim Brotherhood [1]. Throughout the subsequent years, she has received funding for campaigns and charities from the same Islamic States that fund terrorism [2]. By 2009 she hired Huma Abedin for her right hand woman, who has maintained relationships, including employment with a Saudi Charity that funded terrorism [3], employment for a journal that promotes Islamic supremacy ideology [4], and praised her mother for being a leader of the Muslim Sisterhood [5]. Hatred of the Jews is necessarily a prerequisite for attaining such a position in the Muslim Sisterhood.
The Clinton Foundation admits to receiving from $10 Million to $25 Million from Saudi Arabia [6]. Saudi Arabia has openly admitted to funding terrorism [7]. What this relationship might be capable of if Hillary is in the White House is beyond scary. Even if Hillary and Saudi Arabia stop funding terrorism, these entities are bound to cooperate in some way. The Saudi Family has admitted to funding 20% of Hillary’s presidential campaign [8] [9]. So, the $64,000 question is: What does a foreign country have to benefit by contributing to an American political campaign?
In recent years, Saudi Arabia has spent Hundreds of Billions of dollars spreading their strict form of Islam, called Wahhabism [10]. Saudi Arabia, has been a major force in the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) to direct refugee resettlements through the United Nations [11] [12]. Meanwhile, a Saudi Official has admitted that Saudi Arabia has intentionally admitted zero refugees because they are deliberately using the refugees to spread Islam [13]. So, there you have it. Saudi Arabia is trying to use their influence to spread their strict form of Islam around the world.
Saudi Arabia is accomplishing their goal of spreading their version of Islam. One of the main tools they are using to do this is to get people to accept just one tenant of their beliefs. That is the tenant to not criticize Islam. Once you can get that passed, Islam has an inroad to your society. Criticize Islam because its Sharia Law is unjust & you are breaking the law. Criticize Islam because its Sharia Law is unfair to women & you are breaking the law. Criticize Islam because its Sharia Law requires you to believe in Islam & you are breaking the law. They accomplished this by getting the United Nations to pass a resolution forbidding the criticism of religion. This is called U.N. Resolution 16/18. See footnote [14]. Hillary Clinton called this a “Landmark Achievement” [15].
In 2011, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that, notwithstanding the First Amendment, the U.S. government would use “old-fashioned techniques of shaming and peer pressure” to discourage such expression [16]. Yet this does not prevent the United States government from calling what is simply informative speech as “hateful violence producing speech,” and prosecuting it as a hate crime inciting violence. You might recall that the producer of the video that was wrongfully blamed for the Benghazi attack on the American embassy was quickly prosecuted on some other bogus charges [17]. Loretta Lynch recently made a public threat to prosecute any Anti-Islamic speech [18]. Many people in Europe have already been prosecuted for this [20].
Looking at Hillary Clinton’s record, her actions served more to ruin the rights of people and women than help them. Hillary Clinton knew that her support for the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow of the Mubarak government in Egypt would bring in a government that would be pro-Sharia Law and that there would be fewer freedoms for women [19]. She backed the idea of arming Syrian rebels [21], a group that would bring a stricter view of Sharia law, fewer rights for women, and eventually, much more oppression that the Assad regime, much like what ISIS did [21].
What does all this mean? First of all, Hillary as President will be very Anti-First Amendment in order to institute her globalist agendas. This will diminish the process of speaking out for reforms for women’s causes. Second, Hillary will ally herself with those that have an Islamist agenda for the world and the USA. She will appoint Huma Abedin as Secretary of State, who will in turn bring an Islamist agenda to the relationships that the United States has with every foreign country [22] [23]. More of the UNHRC agenda will be followed, resulting in more refugees from radical Islamic countries coming to the West. What difference does it make for women? You can expect that more countries will follow stricter Sharia Law and eventually, this will come to Europe and the Americas. You can expect women’s rights to include the following:
1. Requirement to wear a hijab, naqib, or burka.
2. Less property and inheritance rights than men.
3. Fathers can give their daughters away to settle a debt.
4. The witness of a woman is worth only half of a man’s witness.
5. More sex crimes & punishable by death. Think about the previous law when you get raped & report it. You will have to face a man who’s testimony is twice as much as yours and he will say you committed the crime of enticement.
6. Polygamy is allowed. Think about this and the right for daughters to be sold.
7. Age of marriage can be under 10 years old. Think about this and the right to sell your daughter…
8. Stricter grounds for divorce.
9. Muslim men can take any Non-Muslim woman for a sex slave.
Think about this as you vote this year on November 8. How have women’s rights in the world been doing over the last 7 ½ years & who’s policies are affecting things? Do you really want to continue the same policies?
1. Video: Hillary’s Islamization of America, by Mark Christian, 9-16-2016.
2. Funding Terrorism – and the Clintons, New York Post, 6-15-2016.
3. Creeping Sharia, 9-10-2016.
4. Paul Sperry, New York Post, 8-21-2016.
5. Andrew C. McCarthy, The Huma Unmentionables, National Review, 7-24-2013.
6. The Clinton Foundation web site, 2016.
7. “SHE’S DONE! Hillary LOSES IT After Her NUMBER 1 Donor Openly Admits to FUNDING Al Qaeda,” by Irving Chambers, American Journal Review, 9-16-2016.
8. teleSur, 6-13-2016.
9. “Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims,” by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, 6-14-2016.
10. “Saudi Money Behind Spread of Radical Islam, Terror, Violence,” by American Free Press, 4-17-2016.
11. Video: Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement, 4-20-2015.
12. “Expert Warns Against Muslim Immigration: ‘It’s a Religious Obligation to Spread Islam,’” by Alex Sowyer, Breitbart, 5-11-2015.
13. “Deliberately ignoring refugees to allow spread of Islam in West: Saudi official,” Khabaristan Times, 9-3-2015.
14. State Department Joint Statement, 7-15-2011.
15. Hillary Rodham Clinton Press Statement, 3-24-2011.
16. “YouTube implements UN Resolution 16/18,” by Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 7-8-2016.
17. Wikipedia.
18. “Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Speech, Calls San Bernardino ‘Wonderful Opportunity,’” by Dan Riehl, Breitbart, 12-4-2015.
19. How Hillary Clinton Learned To Love The Muslim Brotherhood, by Ryan Landry, Daily Caller, 2-16-2016.
20. “Hello, Hillary 2016. Goodbye, First Amendment,” by J.P. Moran, Town Hall, 6-25-2015.
21. “Would arming Syria’s rebels have stopped the Islamic State?” by Marc Lynch, Washington Post, 8-11-2014.
22. “Huma Abedin to be Clinton's Secretary of State, Say Wiki-leaked Emails,” by Stan Greene, Santa Monica Observer, 9-17-2016.
23. “Hillary named on document formalizing Abedin job change,” by Rachael Bade, Politico, 9-24-2015.