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The Chances Of Evolution
By Paul Baumgartner
July 8, 2017
Evolutionists claim that humans evolved from chimpanzees or from a common ancestor with humans and chimpanzees.
Now, Atheists like to believe that The Evolution Theory is proven. They like to believe that the "fact" of evolution proves there is no God. In fact, if evolution is true, that in no way disproves the existence of God. God could have used evolution as a means of creation.
However, if The Theory of Evolution is disproven, it definitely proves a Creator.
Let's take a look at the possibilities of evolution. One of the obstacles of human evolution is that humans are classified as a great ape species. All great apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
Human Chromosomes = 23
Chimpanzee Chromosomes = 24
So if they had a common ancestor, did Chimps grow a pair, or did humans lose a pair?
The current popular theory is that humans had a pair of chromosomes fuse.
"In 2005, a peer-reviewed scientific journal published results of the tests. It turns out that chromosome 2, which is unique to the human lineage of evolution, emerged as a result of the head-to-head fusion of two ancestral chromosomes that remain separate in other primates. Three genetic indicators provide strong, if not conclusive, evidence of fusion."
A mismatch in chromosome pairs would make it impossible for the trait to be carried on as the conception process would reject the absence of the missing pair.
"The event would have had to occur in one of the gametes (sperm and egg cells), changing the number of chromosomes. When the chromosome number in the sperm doesn’t match that of the egg , fertilization almost always results in either: (1) a nonviable zygote/embryo; (2) a viable offspring that suffers from a diseased state; or (3) a viable but infertile offspring. Again, it is possible, but extremely rare for the resulting offspring to be viable and fertile."
Unless, of course, if the fusing happened in both partners at the same time!
***To account for the possibility of chromosomal fusing, we would have to square any chances that this could happen.
Setting aside the chromosome pair mismatching, we have to account for the fact that RNA act as a verifier and can only decode the DNA that it is programmed to decode. This is a great protector of species. If something gets messed up royally and the DNA defects to what would be internally facing sharp horns instead of arms, the RNA says it cannot decode that. So instead of a human being born with harmful horns which would kill it, the RNA would fail to decode anything. The human born would Not be killed in the womb from its defect and possibly kill its mother, but may have a chance to survive for awhile after birth.
***So, for any DNA variant to be able to be interpretative, we have to account for the possibility that the RNA would also possibly mutate appropriately at the same time as the DNA. We would have to square any chance results for this possibility as well.
Now, we need to ask if DNA change is possible, and if so, how long in nature would it take for one new trait to appear.
A study was done with fruit flies where a species was selected that have never had spots on their wings and after 600 generations, spots appeared on the wings of a male, which gave it an advantage in reproduction selection.
"Our work provides a new perspective on the genetic basis of adapta-tion. Despite decades of sustained selection in relatively small, sexually reproducing laboratory populations, selection did not lead to the fixa-tion of newly arising unconditionally advantageous alleles. This is notable because in wild populations we expect the strength of natural selection to be less intense and the environment unlikely to remain constant for about 600 generations."
Let's assume that the same kind of thing can happen for humans, even though genetics is much simpler for fruit flies that only have 4 pairs of chromosomes. In 600 generations, let's say that Humans can change one genetic trait. Let's be generous to the evolutionists and say that humans are always reproducing at a young age of 14 years. 600 generations would take 8400 years.
Now we need to know how many trait differences there are genetically between chimpanzees and humans.
"The chimpanzee genome was sequenced for the first time in 2005. It was found to differ from the human genome with which it was compared, nucleotide-for-nucleotide, by about 1.23 percent. This amounts to about 40 million differences in our DNA."
Keep in mind that all the DNA has to change. In the fruit fly experiment, there was one genetic change after 600 generations.
So, for these changes to occur in humans, whether humans evolved from chimpanzees or a common ancestor, these 40 million DNA differences must take place.
So, at this point, it would take 336,000,000,000 years for humans to evolve. This is 336 Billion years. The universe has only existed for 13.5 Billion years.
Now we have to square that figure to kindly account for the RNA to coincidentally change at the same time.
It would now take 112,896,000,000,000,000,000,000 years for humans to evolve.
Now we also have to account for the chances that 2 chromosomes will fuse and survive all the possibilities of being rejected and necessitating being a recessive trait.
It would take 1.2745506816 * 10 to the 46th power years for humans and chimpanzees to evolve from a common ancestor. Evolutionists Believe that this happened over the last 3-8 million years. A much larger time span is needed to account for all evolution, so much so that it a can be safely and factually concluded that life did not come about on this planet or any planet in the known universe through evolution.
It cannot be factually or honestly concluded that humans evolved.
It can be factually and honestly concluded that humans have been wonderfully made by a powerful Creator God.
Atheists, however, Believe that evolution occurred over a relatively very short amount of time.