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The Ultimate Cause
Paul Baumgartner
July 16, 2017
Finding The Ultimate Cause
Ever since we learn to speak, we harass our parents with a one word question:
Our mothers tell us to do what they say and we ask:
Our mothers tell us because they are our mothers, and we ask:
Our mothers tell us because they gave birth to us, and we ask:
Our mothers tell us because they were pregnant with us, and we ask:
Our mothers tell us because our fathers made love with them, and we ask:
And so the “Why?” questions go on and on and on.
Even now we are obsessed with the question. We want to know why our planet exists, why the solar system exists, why the galaxy exists, why the universe exists, and ultimately why matter exists. We are driven to find out why things exist and what the ultimate cause is.
We know that solar systems are made from coalescing clouds of space dust particles. (

In the video below, you can see that a solar system is forming in a nebulae.
“According to our current understanding, a star and its planets form out of a collapsing cloud of dust and gas within a larger cloud called a nebula. As gravity pulls material in the collapsing cloud closer together, the center of the cloud gets more and more compressed and, in turn, gets hotter. This dense, hot core becomes the kernel of a new star.” (

Small bits and chunks collide to form planetesimals. The movements of the planetesimals interact on each other eventually causing a large disk of matter to rotate. Several planetesimals collide at the center to form a sun. Other planetesimals collide with more dust, particles, and other planetesimals to form planets.
The particles that most likely coalesce first would be ice crystals. Substances such as water and hydrogen would be original ice particles, eventually warming up to form hydrogen gas and water. The fact that aquatic life form fossils have been found to be as old as 3.5 billion years, shows that the earth was covered with water from the start. (
A combination of the earth’s gravity, magnetic field, and cooled down state has helped to keep air and water from all evaporating or blowing away from the solar wind. (

Now this begs the question, where did the matter in the ort cloud or nebula come from?
Do these clouds of matter exist because galaxies and stars collide and the matter is just being recycled?
This is Pandora's Cluster in the picture below. A far away cluster of thousands of galaxies. It is so filled with galaxies that galaxies have ripped other galaxies apart.

Did already existing galaxies like this blow apart and give us matter only to be recycled to create galaxies and solar systems again?
There are a couple problems with the idea of constantly recycling material from colliding galaxies.
First, when galaxies collide, there are actually very few stellar collisions. Stars are so far apart that they negotiate the gravity between themselves and merge into reformed galaxies or one galaxy depending on their trajectory. (
Second, all galaxies are moving away from each other, so this makes galactic collisions rare. ( Galaxies are not haphazardly moving away from each other as if spewn out of a specific location, but rather, they are all moving away from each other in a uniformly multidirectional pattern. Much like this diagram of rising raisin bread, galaxies are multiplying their distance from each other.

The best explanation of the expansion of the universe is simply the dark energy or pull of the vacuum of all the space in the universe that does not contain matter. See the diagram below. (

So, we still need to find the source of the matter that formed the galaxies?
Is it possible that the universe existed previously and collapsed upon itself, starting everything all over again? ( See a simulation in the picture below.

This idea brings up an additional problem and two reasons this could not have happened.
First, we are still at a loss as to how matter originally formed.
Second, we are faced with the fact that collisions may occur before everything gathers at the center, causing several or many smaller expansions.
Third, if this happened, the collisions would result in a very specific energy signature and the energy signature we are getting from the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation shows that it could have only come from dark matter. (
“Using the faint temperature patterns formed in the sky by cosmic microwaves, scientific analysis can measure things like the age, shape, and composition of the early universe. Looking out at the universe, back in time, we see evolution of matter from hot plasma, to very simple clouds of hydrogen gas, to complex galaxies and planets. The universe can have strange properties, but simple structures like plasma and hydrogen gas behave in predictable ways- for which we can create accurate computer models of behavior.”

As you can see in the spectrum analyzer provided above, the energy signature of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation only fits a model that only includes dark matter and dark energy. The CMB is definitely the result of an explosion or rapid expansion of hot particle plasma, quarks, neutrons or other pre-atomic matter.
Furthermore, the data from the CMB makes it possible to accurately date this event. “On 21 March 2013, the European-led research team behind the Planck cosmology probe released the mission's all-sky map (565x318 jpeg, 3600x1800 jpeg) of the cosmic microwave background.[79][80] The map suggests the universe is slightly older than researchers thought. According to the map, subtle fluctuations in temperature were imprinted on the deep sky when the cosmos was about 370,000 years old. The imprint reflects ripples that arose as early, as the existence of the universe, as the first nonillionth of a second. Apparently, these ripples gave rise to the present vast cosmic web of galaxy clusters and dark matter. Based on the 2013 data, the universe [currently] contains 4.9% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy. On 5 February 2015, new data was released by the Planck mission, according to which the age of the universe is 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years old and the Hubble constant was measured to be 67.74 ± 0.46 (km/s)/Mpc.[81]”
If there were other similar events in the past, there would be other CMBs that would confuse the ability to date this occurrence or even give us multiple results. This means that there really is just one origin of the universe 13.8 billion years ago. (
From this event, matter as we now know it was created and allowed to coalesce into the nebulae, galaxies, stars, asteroids, and planets that we have today. See the video below for a simulation of how this matter came together.
But what caused the Big Bang? We know that the universe suddenly exploded or inflated into existence 13.8 billion years ago and that this was a once and for all event. But what caused that?

We can tell from the CMB that there was a point in time before the inflation of matter that there was no possibility of intelligent life, as we now know it. There wasn’t even any light before the Big Bang. ( See the historical sequence in the diagram below.

The law of conservation of energy and matter and logic demand that since the universe has a beginning, it has a cause. If the cause of the galaxies is the formation of matter, then there has to be a cause for the formation of matter. Down to the very quark or the most indivisible material particle, there has to be an ultimate cause.
This ultimate cause cannot be something that was caused. It would have to have always existed. It would have to exist independent of all known matter in the universe.
How many times have you heard a physicist say things like this:
“If the universe had more mass, it would collapse, and if it had less mass it would have been pulled into oblivion.”
"If there wasn’t just a very slight variation during the Big Bang, matter and anti-matter would have canceled each other out and there would be no universe."
Why is our universe so precise?
Michio Kaku has an idea in this video:
So, The ultimate cause is an intelligence. It is a supreme intelligence. It has power over matter and the laws of physics. It is in existence before matter as we know it, exists outside of the known universe, and yet keeps the known universe in existence. It is involved in everything that exists.
This amounts to scientific proof of God.
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