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Copyright 2015 - 2020 by Paul Baumgartner
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All the Verses in the Quran about God's Covenants with people are about past covenants.
3:81 "And God took a covenant from the prophets: "For what I have given you of the book/decree and wisdom, then a messenger will come to you authenticating what is with you. You will believe in him and support him." He said: "Do you testify, and agree to this burden?" They said: "We testify." He said: "Then bear witness, and I am with you bearing witness."
-This only mentions past covenants.
33:7 "And when We took from the prophets their covenant, and from you, and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary; We took from them a strong covenant."
-This lists only past covenants and excluded Muhammad.
2:63 "And when We took your covenant, and raised the mount above you: "Take what We have given you with strength, and remember what is in it that you may be conscientious/pious."
-verse 60 and 61 mention Moses. Verse 62 Mentions Jews, Christians and Sabeans, and excludes Muslims. This is about past covenants.
2:83 "And when We took the covenant of the Children of Israel: "You shall not serve except God, and do good to your parents, and regard the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and say kind things to the people, and uphold the salat, and bring forth the betterment." But then you turned away, except for a few of you; you were objecting."
-This is only about the covenant with the Children of Israel.
2:84 "And We have taken your covenant: "You shall not spill the blood of each other, nor expel each other from your homes." And you agreed to this while bearing witness."
-According to verse 83, this is about the covenant with the Children of Israel.
2:93 "And when We took your covenant, and raised the mount above you: "Take what We have given you with strength, and listen." They said: "We hear and disobey!"..."
-This is about the Mosaic Covenant according to verse 92: "And Moses came unto you with clear proofs..."
3:187 "And when God took the covenant of those who were given the decree/book: "You will make it clear to the people and not conceal it." But they placed it behind their backs and purchased with it a cheap price. Miserable indeed is what they have purchased."
Verse 186 says, "those who were given the Scripture before you..." It is about a covenant to those that came before Muhammad.
4:154 "And We raised the mount above them by their covenant, and We said to them: "Enter the gate acknowledging/submitting." And We said to them: "Do not transgress the Sabbath;" and We took from them a strong covenant."
-Verse 153 says, "They asked a greater thing of Moses aforetime..." Clearly, it is the Mosaic covenant being talked about here.
4:155 "Then because of their breaking of their covenant, and their rejection in the signs of God, and their killing of the prophets without right, and their saying: "Our hearts are shielded." Indeed, God has stamped upon their hearts because of their rejection; they do not believe, except for a few."
-This is still talking about the covenant with the Children of Israel.
5:12 "And certainly God has taken a covenant of the Children of Israel and raised from them twelve representatives, and God said: "I am with you if you uphold the salat and bring forth betterment and believe in My messengers, and support them, and lend God a loan of righteousness; then I will cancel your sins and admit you into estates with rivers flowing beneath them." Whoever rejects after this from you, then he has strayed from the path."
-Covenant of the Children of Israel again.
5:13 "But because of them breaking their covenant, We have cursed them, and made their hearts become hardened; they take the words out of context; and they forgot much of what they were reminded of. And you will still discover betrayal in them except for a few; so pardon them and overlook; God loves the good doers."
-Still talking about the covenant of the Children of Israel.
5:14 "And from those who have said: "We are Nazarenes," We took their covenant then they forgot a part of what they were reminded of it; so We planted between them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection; and God will inform them of what they had done."
-Talking about the "Nazarenes" or Christians taking the covenant of the Children of Israel.
5:15 "O people of the Book, Our messenger has come to you to clarify for you much of what you were hiding from the decree/book, and to pardon over much. A light has come to you from God and a clarifying decree/book."
-Does not use the word covenant, but talks about "people of the Book," which are Jews and Christians.
5:70 "We have taken the covenant of the Children of Israel and We sent to them Our messengers. Every time a messenger came to them with what their souls did not desire, a group of them they would reject, and a group of them they would kill."
-Talking about the covenant of the Children of Israel.
7:169 "Then successors came after them who inherited the book/decree, but they opted for the materialism of that which is lower; and they say: "It will be forgiven for us." And they continue to opt for the materialism if it comes to them; was not the covenant of the book/decree taken on them that they would only say the truth about God while they studied what is in it? And the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who are aware. Do you not comprehend?"
-This is about the "covenant of the Book," so it is clearly about past covenant(s).
2:27 "The ones (fasiqeena/evildoers) who break the promise of God from after its covenant, and they sever what God had ordered to be joined and they make corruption on the earth; these are the losers."
-Only talks about thise that break the covenant & does not speak of a new covenant.
5:7 "And remember the favour of God upon you and His covenant that He has bound you with, for which you have said: "We hear and obey*" and be aware of God; for God knows what is in the chests."
-Verse 5 says, "The food of those who have received the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them." So, it is talking about the covenant in the already existing Scriptures.
13:20 "Those who fulfill with the promise of God, and they do not break the covenant."
-It is just saying good things for those that do not break the covenant. Still, there is no newer covenant established.
13:25 "As for those who break the promise of God from after its covenant, and they sever what God has ordered to be joined, and they cause corruption on the earth; upon those is a curse and they will have a miserable abode."
-Bad things for those that break the covenant. Still no newer covenant established.
57:8 "Why should you not believe in God while the messenger is inviting you to believe in your Lord? And He has already taken your covenant, if you are believers."
-The fact that he says he has already made a covenant with believers refers to a covenant already made.
In conclusion, Muhammad did not make a new covenant with Muslims. Instead, He relied on past covenants, the one with the Children of Israel and the one with the "Nazarenes," or Christians, expecting the Muslims to keep both covenants. Muhammad did not try to rewrite what was in past Scripture but relied upon it. How could he expect the Muslims to keep a past covenant if the past recording of it was not available and accurate?
A covenant consists of highly defined conditions, pledges and a sealing of agreement by at least 2 parties. This never happens in the Quran.
There is no newer Covenant with God for the Muslims.