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By Paul Baumgartner
October 20, 2017
Twelve years ago, I wrote my congressman about the DR-CAFTA Free Trade agreement. I have always been against Free Trade as it undercuts the American workers. The United States needs a vibrant middle class so we can always support our country and pay enough in taxes so that the United States can always support Democratic forms of government throughout the world. Without that, the last bastion of freedom is gone.
Twelve years ago, I was writing to a Republican Congressman as a Democrat. The Republicans were supporting the Free Trade agreements, and what these Free Trade Agreements do is allow Fat Cat traders and conglomerate corporations profit on manufacturing no matter where it is at by shifting plants to the cheapest labor base possible. In one word, this can be summed up as "globalism." Now, I am a Republican and I am finding that I have to make the same reasoning when trying to convince Democrats that globalism is wrong.
Notice what Pete Hoekstra says in the picture below:
"Twenty years ago, The United State stood with the people of Central America in one of the Seminal struggles of the Cold War. Together, we defeated the insurgencies in El Salvador and Guatemala, protected Honduras and Costa Rica from the predatory Sandinista regime in Nicaragua and finally drove the Sandinistas from power through the ballot box. We also lowered American tariffs. opening the door for exports from Central America to the United States."
Twenty years before Pete Hoekstra's letter was written was in 1985. The first Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, was made in 1993 ( We defeated the communism and dictatorships with a strong America, with a strong middle class, NOT with Free Trade. So, right at the start of his letter Hoekstra blows away his hypothesis.
Free Trade is a separate issue. Free Trade is the tool of globalists ( Trade is a separate issue. Trade does not need to be Free. Trade needs to be equitable for the workers in the respective countries.
Notice how Hoekstra tries to tie in Free Trade with Democracy near the end of his letter in the next picture.
"Without DR-CAFTA, we will undermine the stability of our regional Democratic allies across Central America and the Caribbean Basin. Worse, we will open the door for the Venezuelan-Cuban alliance or China to fill the vacuum created by our failure to construct an economic-security partnership with Central American and Caribbean democracies."
The result of this agreement is that it postured the DR-CAFTA countries against Venezuela (, and caused friction between Venezuela and other regional governments (
Does America's positioning China as our most favored trade partner make the United States a communist country? Obviously not. We still have a multi-party system.
Politics and Trade are two separate issues. They should always remain separate. Free Trade and trade posturing has not helped Venezuela ( Venezuela is not better off because of DR-CAFTA. Guatemala and Costa Rica are not better off because of DR-CAFTA. The United States and it's workers are not better off because of NAFTA, DR-CAFTA, or any other Free Trade agreement.
There is only one reason why I now have to argue this position against Democrats and their calls for globalism. The Fat Cat trade moguls and corporate conglomerates are now in control of the Democratic party. This is why we have an outsider in the White House. This is why campaigns against globalism are working. We are fighting for the survival of the middle class in America and that is what is needed for ordinary citizens to have the economic freedom they deserve. The full letter from Pete Hoekstra is posted at the bottom of this article for those that wish to review it. Keep up the good fight patriots!