Congress Cut Social Security, AGAIN!
Here some background is needed. Social Security’s “full” or “normal” retirement age is 66 for those born from 1943 through 1954. This...

To Those People That have Muslim Friends & Say Muslims Are Peaceful: Just Keep Inviting Your Mus
"They were coming for him and his people. Friends were being killed or fleeing for their lives. So Andrew White did what he always does...

Monsanto Under Fire: Maker of Cancer-Causing Herbicide Sued by US Workers
Two U.S. workers are suing Monsanto over charges that the company’s Roundup herbicide caused their cancers while accusing the...

U.S. Preparing for War Against Russia in Syrian Battlefield
On November 3rd, U.S. Defense Department spokesperson Laura Seal told The Daily Beast that twelve F-15C air-to-air combat planes are...

Is Global Research “Anti-American”?
Last week we initiated the 2015 Global Research Fund Raiser. We thank our readers for their unbending support. In response to our...

Dear Fellow Americans: Do You Have Any Idea What’s Being Done In Your Name In Syria?
We don’t understand that the U.S. is arming the Syrian “rebels” with shoulder-fired anti-aircraft weapons. As the Wall Street Journal ...

Syrian Forces Break Through ISIS Frontline, while U.S. Airdrops Weapons to Terrorists...
It took almost two weeks for the Syrian forces to liberate the Khanasser-Ithriya highway. Nonetheless, they were finally able to secure...

ISIS Militants Distribute Candy to Celebrate "Downing" of Russian Plane, Threaten Putin wi
In a video posted on the Internet on November 3, ISIS militants are shown handing out candy to celebrate the October 31 "downing" of the...

California Governor Brown had state workers research oil on ranch...
Gov. Jerry Brown last year directed state oil and gas regulators to research, map and report back on any mining and oil drilling...

Probe finds no armed men in Afghan clinic bombed by US
Wounded Taliban fighters were being treated in a Doctors Without Borders hospital in northern Afghanistan that was bombed by U.S. forces...