U.N. Security Council Legitimizes Assad Regime, Condemns Militants backed by Obama
On December 18, 2015, the UN Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 2254, which included a "road map for a peace process in...

Turkey Detains 27 Russian Commercial Ships in Retaliation
As Russia has detained eight commercial ships flying Turkish flags in the Black Sea since the jet crisis erupted between the two...

Russia hits back at Turkey by Helping Kurds
Russia is striking back after a "stab in the back by an accomplice to terrorists" by changing the "game" in Syria. Moscow's retaliation...

Russia accuses Turkey of 'provocation' as pilot denies warning
Russia on Wednesday accused Turkey of a "planned provocation" over the downing of a warplane on the Syrian border as a rescued pilot...

The War against ISIS - The Last Week in Videos (November 2 - November 10, 2015)
The last week of war against ISIS on video. Please watch each viseo below. Hezbollah launches missiles "vs. ISIS" near Aleppo: Syria's...

Putin media associate found dead in Washington hotel
Russian and U.S. authorities are investigating the sudden death of Mikhail Lesin, the former head of media affairs for the Russian...

80,000 Russian tourists still in Egypt to travel home separately from their luggage
Russian tourists leaving Egypt will only be able to take cabin baggage with them, and their other luggage will be delivered later on...