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Early copy of the gospel of Mark.

Your Enjeel is Missing!!! This is no joke. Your Enjeel is missing and this is a serious matter. I’m not talking some dirty language here. This is serious. I’m speaking to you Muslims. Did you know that your Enjeel is missing and it is supposed to be a central part of your religion? The official Muslim position is that the Torah (Book of Law) was given to Moses uncorrupted, and that the Enjeel (Gospel) was given to Jesus uncorrupted. However, the Muslim position is that the Torah and Enjeel were corrupted by the time that Muhammad delivered his message [1].

Quran 2:77-79 is one of the passages used to defend the Muslim position. “But do they not know that Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare? And among them are unlettered ones who do not know the Scripture except in wishful thinking, but they are only assuming. So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.” The usual explanation is that the “Scripture” mentioned here is the Book, as in the people of the Book, referring to the Book of the Christians. Then it goes on to say that there is woe upon those that write the “scripture” with their own hands. The Muslim explanation is that this is saying that the Book of the Christians is all made up. However, notice that it describes these people making up “scripture” with their own hands as “unlettered ones who do not know the Scripture.” There is contrast rather than similarity here between the Scripture that they do not know and the scripture that they write with their own hands. The Scripture that they do not know is Scripture that they should know. The scripture that they write with their own hands is done in contrast to what they should know.

There are several places in this whole passage that confirm prior written Scriptures that are confirmed at the time of the writing of this passage to be True Scriptures and in agreement with what was given to Muhammad.

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