Hours Before Paris Terror Attack, Facebook Stopped Anonymous From Exposing ISIS Recruiters
The Paris area was shocked by a major terrorist attack Friday night that is being claimed by the Neo-Caliphate terrorist group ISIS. But just hours before this attack was carried out, Facebook removed a key Anonymous group responsible for identifying and reporting thousands of social media accounts used by ISISrecruiters.
Regardless of your views on ISIS, their origins and who is pulling the strings and funding them, one thing is clear: they have been spreading their ideology and recruiting using Facebook and Twitter more than any “on-the-ground”, traditional methods.
The Anonymous group Red Cult initiated an operation to counter the ISIS social media presence, called #OpISIS. We at Counter Current News have been the primary contact point for #OpISIS from the start, and we continue to be today.
That’s why our sources in Red Cult told us today that a group calling itself “Report ISIS Accounts” – run by Anonymous – was removed by Facebook and the administrators for the group all banned.